Rhodes Avenue, Uppermill, Oldham OL3 6EE

01457 875151


St Chad’s Church of England Primary School



About Forward As One

As a Church of England Multi Academy Trust, we are a non-profit making educational charity. Our charitable purpose is the advancement of education for public benefit. We therefore work closely with local authorities, maintained schools and other Academy Trusts to advance education for all.

Our work is rooted in the Christian values of service, justice, faith, grace and love. It is our experience that these values add value in any school – including schools without a Christian heritage – and so we welcome all schools, whatever their designation, to join us in our mission to improve educational outcomes for all.


As a Trust with a Church of England foundation, we live the following values:

Family – working together for collective success

Openness – sharing with and being accountable to others

Resilience – overcoming challenges through commitment and perseverance

Wisdom – developing a life-long love for learning and understanding the world around us

Aspiration – pursuing excellence in all that we do

Research – grounding everything we do in evidence and best practice

Diversity – fostering  inclusive and vibrant learning communities


It is our aim that all children within the Forward As One Academy Trust become:

  • Enthusiastic and life-long learners Resilient
  • Critically reflective Hard workers
  • Confident citizens Strong communicators
  • Respectful

We strongly believe that every child should leave our schools with a deep enthusiasm for life and for learning.


TRUST Address AND Contact information

Forward  As One Church of England Multi Academy Trust
(A Company Limited by Guarantee),
Registered in England & Wales, Registered office,
Newnham Street, Bolton, BL1 8QA
Company Number: – 08212263

01204 333741

